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1150 Scott Blvd, Suite D1
Santa Clara, CA 95050

Treatment of TMJ Disorders

TMJ Services Photo
If you’re in need of treatment for TMJ disorders, at Santa Clara Oral Surgery & Dental Implants we use state-of-the-art technology paired with expert skills to address any discomfort you may be experiencing. To find out more about our specialized care, call 408-248-9597 or contact us for a consultation.

What Is TMJ Disorder Treatment?

TMJ is short for “temporomandibular joint,” or the joint (there are two, one on each side) that operates like a sliding hinge between the lower jawbone and the skull. When pain around this joint flares up, whether in the joint itself or the muscles surrounding it, it could be indicative of a TMJ disorder.

There are many reasons you could experience discomfort from a TMJ disorder and a thorough evaluation can help to determine why this is happening. Typically, TMJ disorders can be categorized as:

  • Myofascial pain. Pain or discomfort in the muscles that control the jaw is known as myofascial pain. Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is one of the most common culprits for this type of TMJ disorder.
  • Internal derangement of the joint. This form of TMJ disorder comes about if an injury to the joint is sustained, or if a disc becomes displaced or the jaw is dislocated. 
  • Arthritis. Although arthritis can occur throughout the body, where TMJ is concerned, it means the temporomandibular joint has become inflamed. Inflammation here can lead to pain, tenderness, and a grinding feeling in the joint.

Once your doctor has pinpointed the type and cause of the TMJ disorder you are experiencing, a treatment plan can be established to get relief from the pain. At Santa Clara Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, some of the solutions we may recommend include a combination of self-care and professional dental health care, such as:

  • Mouth guards and splints that are custom-made
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medication to help relax the joint
  • Treatment for bruxism and the pain caused by grinding or clenching the jaw
  • Stretching exercises and relaxation techniques
  • Resting the jaw, using ice packs or warm compresses, and eating soft foods

If these treatments do not alleviate or lessen the pain you are experiencing, further procedures that may be necessary include a bite adjustment, orthodontics with or without jaw reconstruction or restorative dental work. TMJ surgery to replace the jaw joint may be required, but this approach is reserved for severe cases only where all previous conservative treatments have failed.

Signs You Need TMJ Disorder Treatment

If you think you might be experiencing TMJ disorder, here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Soreness around the joint area
  • Soreness or pain in and around the ear
  • Headaches
  • Pain in the temples or cheeks
  • Clicking or popping sounds when the jaw is moving
  • Jaw tenderness or pain
  • Locking of the jaw
  • Pain or difficulty chewing

When TMJ disorders go untreated, they often gradually worsen over time. Whether some or all of these symptoms are affecting you, there is an appropriate treatment option that can provide relief and restore your overall quality of life. Contact our office today to find out how we can help.

Why Choose Santa Clara Oral Surgery & Dental Implants?

Don’t let fear of the unknown stand in the way of addressing your TMJ disorder. At Santa Clara Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. When we say we do dental differently, we mean it. Our modern approach employs highly advanced technology and techniques aimed at providing you the most relief with the least invasive treatment. Our team is dedicated to putting our patients at ease and creating the best plan to resolve your TMJ disorder.

TMJ Disorder Treatment FAQs

Will TMJ disorder go away on its own?
Sometimes, discomfort from TMJ disorders can fade in and out, and they may not cause much pain at all. On the other hand, TMJ disorders that are chronic can be unbearable and have a negative effect on your quality of life, potentially disrupting your sleep or making it difficult to talk or eat.

Often, patients experience the onset of TMJ symptoms during very stressful times. High stress can often lead to grinding your teeth at night, thus putting stress on the joint and wearing down the teeth. Some patients find relief through managing or reducing their stress with mindful meditation or using a calming app at bedtime to sleep more peacefully. However, for moderate to severe TMJ disorders, treatment is usually required to resolve the condition.
What is the most common cause of TMJ disorder?
Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw, otherwise known as bruxism, is one of the most common causes of TMJ disorder.
Does sleep help relieve pain from TMJ disorders?
Depending on the cause of your TMJ disorder, sleep can provide relief by allowing the jaw to rest and relax the muscles. However, if bruxism is at the root of your discomfort, sleep can actually worsen the situation as you unknowingly grind your teeth and clench your jaw while asleep.
I was in a car accident – could that have caused TMJ disorder?
Yes, a motor vehicle accident can lead to the development of a TMJ disorder. Even if you did not make contact with a hard surface as part of the accident or trauma, whiplash can cause the onset of TMJ symptoms. Furthermore, any trauma to the face can lead to TMJ disorder.
Do I have TMJ disorder if my jaw pops and clicks, even though it doesn’t hurt?
If you are experiencing popping and clicking noises in your jaw, it is recommended that you consult with your dentist. It may seem unnecessary in the absence of pain, but we encourage you not to put it off because inflammation is likely to increase and cause worsening discomfort that could be avoided with early treatment.

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